Saturday, March 28, 2015

Strep Throat no fun, and meds make no drive

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Another church clean up missed, but not intentionally . See since Thursday I have had a terrible case of strep throat. Can’t swallow, can’t much except that of what I can drink, can’t buy liquid meals on EBT card like Ensure, so I buy instant breakfasts, which lasts a few hours then I could eat a horse and chase the rider. I mean hungry. Then there’s the medicines. The antibiotics are okay, as well as the Mucinex to clear mucus but there are a few like this Phenergran and a couple more that make me about as stoned as a drunk cow rustler, so I just am sucking down orange juice, watching TV and trying to do as best as I can writing and posting 411 for all of you.

Still trying to get my old Facebook account. Sent them I don’t know how many help requests, but haven’t heard much. I got some sort  response, but when I clicked on it I got this> facebook noticeits enough to where I’m just about to the point of giving Facebook the middle finger salute and saying byte me. The only reason I don’t is so many of the Knytes and AyreWolvez depend on the links I put on Facebook to stay informed of club news and projects. If it were not for that I’d kiss my six Zuckerburg. Even though I spent money with you, never got even one response from the ads placed, sorry your not doing your subscribers any good. Maybe get some gray haired people in your Palo Alto California campus.

So I muddle through, best course is our own site, and work through traditional units like Yahoo.

Okay finally, something on moral protocol.

First understand I don’t mean to criticize here. I love my church Bishop as much as I could any brother. However there is this thing that’s been knawing at me for a few weeks , heck the past month. See there’s this 17 year old gal at church that looks hotter than a Saturday night special pistol.  And has some serious smarts, and while I meant no harm, in fact wanted to extend an invitation to her to intern at KDXC FM?HazzardAyre Radio here, the request from our Bishop and parent Wanda was, leave her alone. Okay I’m down with that. However comes a church supported dinner/auction, put on as a fund raiser for the church’s Young Women. Presided over by Alexis’ mother Wanda. It was Alexis that I was wanting to recruit not Wanda, hey so I got names mixed up. So came this dinner/auction. Alexis was dressed in a see through fish net top, really tight jeans and serious high heeled boots. She always has looks that can kill. Now I may be wrong for looking, but isn’t there something in our teachings of the Church gospel that says girls should dress modestly especially in church, even something casual like that dinner? You don’t put fresh meat in front of a high octane canine and say don’t eat. Same thing for me, you don’t have a sweet young lady marching around some 50 year old male corpuscle that hasn’t had any interaction of any kind with a lady at least seriously or personally for the better part of 15 years and not say don’t look. I’m sorry, it may be wrong for an older guy to look at a young girl, but I don’t see a bunch of church or other people out introducing me to available women my age either. Sure I never got that in Twin Falls, but the Pastor at the River Fellowship there, did make seating arrangements at evening services, that made some sort of family connection possible.

Any way getting off the computer, stay sane and remember , I’m here in Evanston building a radio station for ya’ll


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